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Baking Artisan Bread - Free eBook

Posted by Unknown on 9:31:00 PM

Baking Artisan Bread with recipes
BREAD BAKING  is  a delicate dance between the simple and the complex. On one hand, nothing  could  be  more straight forward:  just combining flour, water, salt, and yeast yields a dough that with the baker's touch magically transforms into  a  crusty  baguette  or  a hearty loaf. On  the other hand, the science behind the "magic" is incredibly complicated, and research reveals the markedly complicated process that baking actually is. 

Don't let the complexities of the baking process intimidate you,though. Knowledge is power and, in the case of bread baking, an overview of the components and processes is all you need to tart your journey. In the following chapters, the roles of the ingredients, equipment, and techniques are explained  and expounded  upon.  The  most important information  is extracted  and  reduced  to readily accessible and  easily  understood  core  concepts. Armed  with  these essentials, you  can move confidently into  the  kitchen  and  let the baking begin!

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Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 9:31:00 PM


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